Raydan Food Co.6012.SR

Our Mission


Excellence in all products and services provided, while ensuring that customers are satisfied.


Pioneers in the industry of quality and excellence to provide Arabic foods according to the latest international methods.

The Goals of the Company

Raydan Food Company aims to reach a leading position in the Saudi and Arab market, specializing in Arabic food and sweets and parties, and is keen to provide unified services with high quality standards in terms of time and place… From this standpoint, it seeks to achieve several goals, including:
1- Focusing on customer satisfaction, which is the goal of our business.
2- Excellence in providing the highest level of quality.
3- Excellence in providing the highest level of service and hospitality.
4- Expanding and spreading and focusing on the regions of the Kingdom, beginning and then the Arab region and then the world.
5- Developing workers and caring for and supporting the national workforce.
6- Participation and contribution in building the national economy and what is right for the interest of the country and achieving the vision of 2030 AD for our country.
7- Participation in supporting charitable works and projects within our community services.