Digital Media Planning and Buying

Digital media planning and buying require a lot of thought and it can be quite confusing. It is essential to understand what you are buying for your ad, who or where the audience will be, and when you can expect to have those results back so that your budget and plan are realistic.

Proper planning and segmentation of media will result in the most effective campaign possible.

In this post, we’ll explore how you can create an effective media plan.

Set Your Objectives:

It’s not enough to just buy ads. You need to know what you want from them.

There are two main types of objectives: performance and branding. Performance goals are more straightforward, like increasing sales or driving traffic to a website.

Branding goals, on the other hand, are more abstract and harder to measure, such as increasing brand awareness or improving customer perception.

The best way to set objectives is to think about how you want your customers to feel about your company after they see an ad.

Do you want them to think of you as an expert leader in your industry?

Do you want them to feel like they can trust you with their money?

Or would it be better if they just felt good about your brand?

Determine Target Audience:

The second step in digital media planning and buying is to define your target audience. To start, you need to identify the goals of your campaign.

For example, if you’re selling high-end jewelry and looking to reach affluent consumers, you might want to focus on reaching affluent women who are 45 and older.

If you’re selling a new line of children’s clothing and looking for moms who are active in their communities, you might want to focus on reaching women between 25 and 54 who live in suburban areas.

Once you’ve determined your target audience, it’s time to start defining the characteristics that make them up. These characteristics can include age, gender, location (city or suburb), family status (married or single), income level, profession and interests

Research The Best Channels For Your Business:

Defining your target audience also helps you determine what media channels are best suited for reaching that audience. For example, if you know that your ideal customer consumes most of her content through mobile devices and social media feeds, then it would make sense for you to focus on those channels when planning your digital campaigns.

Set The Budget:

The budget establishes how much money you have to spend on digital advertising, and helps determine which channels to use, what ads to create, and where to place them.

It’s important to note that there are no hard-and-fast rules for how much money should be allocated to online marketing. There are many factors that affect the cost of a campaign — including industry, competition, keywords, and goals — but one thing remains constant: It’s much cheaper than traditional media like TV or radio.

Develop Message Strategy:

The media strategy is the most important asset in your digital marketing plan. It affects every aspect of your campaign and its implementation.

Media strategy is a prioritized list of channels that you plan to use to communicate with your target audience. These channels are selected based on several factors, including:

  • Demographic of your audience

  • Geographic location

  • Behavioral data (e.g., what they buy, what they post on social media)

Pre-Buy Plans:

A pre-buy plan is a document that outlines how you will purchase inventory during a digital campaign. It is used to forecast the performance of specific creative assets or media plans, or for evaluating the effectiveness of an entire campaign. It includes the:

  • Number of impressions you want to buy (often called “impressions”)

  • Cost per impression (CPM) or cost per thousand impressions (CPM)

  • Type of inventory (e.g., banner, video, mobile), and

  • Targeting criteria for the inventory (e.g., location, gender, age).

Post-Buy Analysis:

The post-buy analysis is a critical step in the media planning and buying process. It allows media planners to determine if their strategy was successful or not and if they need to make any changes going forward.

The post-buy analysis is essentially an audit of the campaign, where you look at all the data from your previous buys to see what worked and what didn’t. This may seem like an obvious step, but it’s surprising how many brands neglect this critical step and simply move on to the next campaign without looking back at what they did right or wrong.

It provides a comprehensive look at how each campaign performed, including:

– Quality scores for each ad creative

– Conversion rates by device

– Bounce rates by page and destination URL

– Funnel analysis (where users drop off in the conversion process)

Once you’ve completed the post-buy analysis, you can take the lessons learned from that analysis and apply them to future campaigns.

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Social Media Management Goals and Objectives

Social media is a powerful tool that allows you to reach your audience in ways never before possible. However, without a clear understanding of your goals and objectives, social media can be an overwhelming and ineffective marketing channel.

In this post, we’ll explore some common social media goals and how to set measurable objectives for each one so you know what needs to happen on each platform for them to be successful.

Build Awareness:

Social media has swiftly become a powerful tool for building awareness and establishing relationships with customers. It can be used to:

  • Raise awareness of your brand and its products/services through blogs, videos, photos, infographics and other content that showcases these items
  • Raise awareness of your organization’s mission or cause
  • Establish you as an authority on a topic (e.g., if you’re an expert on tax law)

Improve Brand Image:

Social media management goals and objectives should focus on improving the brand image of your business. You want to build trust in your company and increase customer loyalty, so that you can encourage repeat business and referrals.

It’s also important to create a positive experience for your customers on social media platforms. They’re using these platforms to share information with their friends, so it’s important that they feel comfortable doing so. You want them to feel like they’re part of something special when they engage with your company.

Generate Leads:

Social media is a great place to generate leads for your business. You can use social media to generate leads by sharing content that is relevant to your audience, using social media advertising, or creating an online qualification form.

Social media advertising allows you to target people who are likely interested in what you have to offer because they already follow the pages that you want them to see your ads on (such as Facebook). When done correctly, this type of advertising can help grow your follower base and increase sales for less money than traditional forms of marketing such as print ads or radio commercials.

Increase Conversion Rate:

Social media is a great way to increase conversion rate. The goal of this section is to show you how social media can help you reach your goals, but first we need to define what a conversion rate is.

A conversion is the action that you want someone to take when they visit your site or land on one of your ads. It could be anything from clicking through to another page on your website or downloading an ebook about how your product will solve their problems.

One way for brands and companies to increase conversions is by creating attractive ads with text descriptions describing why someone should be interested in what they’re offering. Some examples of these include: “This new makeup line will give you fuller lips,” or “These jeans make you look like an Instagram model.” These types of ads can also be placed on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter where users are more likely than average internet users (a term used by marketers) because they’re more engaged with their friends’ posts than on other sites like Google News results in pages where people go out primarily looking for news rather than entertainment content such as memes or jokes that might lead them somewhere else once they’ve finished reading it all.

Improve Customer Service:

Social media is a great way to communicate with customers and provide customer service. By using social media effectively, you can help your customers find answers to their questions and solve problems they may have with your products or services.

The main goal of social media is to improve customer service. You want customers coming back time after time—and the best way for them to do so is when they feel valued by the company’s communication methods.

Drive Website Traffic:

Your social media marketing goals should start with the goal of driving traffic to your website.

Why? Because it is the most direct way to build brand awareness, credibility, trust and authority. If you want to grow your business, make sure that your website is the number one place people go when they want more information about what you do or how they can hire you.

Without A Clear Understanding of Your Goals, You Cannot Hope To Achieve Them:

Without a clear understanding of your goals, you cannot hope to achieve them. It is important to know what you want to achieve before you start. If you don’t know where you are going, how will you get there? And if we’re not clear on our destination, how will we know when we have arrived?

In order to ensure that your social media management campaign has the desired effect on your business’s bottom line, it is imperative that as early as possible in the process, you come up with a set of specific goals and objectives for yourself. This can be done by taking into consideration three things:

  • What stage is my business in right now.?
  • Where do I want it to go.?
  • How much time do I have at my disposal.?

Social media is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes, but it can be hard to get started and even harder to know what your goals should be.

With the right tools and a clear understanding of your goals, however, it’s easy to start making progress on social media today and we are here to help you to set social media goals and objectives for your business success.

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Social Media Management Best Practices

Social media platforms are constantly evolving and changing, so it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and updates from social networks in order to stay relevant. Here are some of the most effective ways to manage your social media presence:

Be Consistent With Your Branding:

Whether you’re using Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, maintain a consistent look and feel across all platforms by using the same profile picture and cover photo on each one. Make sure that the links within your profile lead back to your website and blog and that they’re easy to find by scrolling through each post.

Be Consistent in Tone and Messaging:

Social media management is a very personal experience. Your audience will see you as a human, not just an account. This means that you need to be consistent in tone and messaging across all your channels. The last thing you want is to get caught saying one thing on Twitter and another thing on Facebook.

It’s also important to make sure that everything you post is true and accurate. If something negative happens at your company or with your product, be honest about it and address it head-on.

Post On A Regular Schedule.

Consistency and regularity are key to social media success. You want to post frequently enough that your followers don’t forget you’re there, but you only want to post when you have new information or something that’s worth sharing with your followers. If you’re constantly posting random updates about what you had for lunch or how much the weather sucks today, people will get annoyed and unfollow or unfriend you.

Include Calls To Action In Your Content:

A CTA is an element in content that encourages people to take action. It can be a button or some other type of image that links to a landing page or another piece of content. Your CTAs should reflect the goals you have for each post. For example, if you’re posting about a new product launch, make sure the CTA leads users back to the product page so they can make their purchase.

Promote Your Accounts Across All Platforms:

Promote your accounts across all platforms. If you have multiple accounts on different platforms, it’s important that they are cross-promoted so people visiting one account will also know about the others. This allows you to reach a larger audience.

Use Automation To Your Advantage:

Automation can help you create posts based on hashtags and keywords, so you don’t have to worry about missing out on anything important. With automation, you can post at times when you would normally be sleeping or working on other projects.

Automation is a great way to save time and grow your social media presence. It’s also important to note that automation does not replace human interaction. It’s a great way to show your face and interact with customers, but you still need to be there to answer questions and provide customer service.

Make Sure To Reply To Comments and Questions In a Timely Manner:

Make sure to reply to comments and questions in a timely manner. If someone asks a question on social media, it’s important to respond as soon as possible so that they don’t go away feeling ignored.

Keep An Eye On The Competition:

Social media is a great place to see what your competitors are doing and how they’re interacting with their audience. Many businesses use social media as an opportunity to showcase their products and services. It’s important to know what your competitors are doing so you can stay ahead of them in terms of content and quality of posts.

Post With Your Audience In Mind:

Social media works best when you’re posting things that people want to see. If you’re just posting links to your blog posts, then people aren’t going to stick around long enough to read them. Instead, make sure you’re posting things that are interesting and relevant to your audience, and think about what your target audience would find interesting and engaging. Try to make it relevant to them, whether it’s through photos of the latest office outings or a post about a new product launch that they might be interested in.

Social media management can be time-consuming, but it is important for any business that wants to stay relevant today and we are here to help you mange and grow your social media presence.

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